Day 9. | Shorashim - Israel with Israelis

Day 9.

Bus 268 has arrived.
Immediately, it was evident that this 10 day trip to Israel would be filled with riotous talking, dirty jokes, and dancing of all sorts at all times; in addition to the beautiful sites and destinations. The days flew by quickly, and we are here at day 9.

Waking up early (really early), like, 4:30 was not favored by most. Many-a groggy faces were seen at the 5:00 am cake and coffee breakfast. Soon after, the hike up the beautiful Masada commenced. Legs ached, thighs burned, lungs were out of breath, but seeing the sunrise atop the hill proved to be all worth the hike. After an informational tour/role play at the different historical sites at Masada, the treacherous hike down began. Upon arrival back to our inn, the second breakfast of the day was served. Bellies full, we packed our bags onto the and set off to the Dead Sea. With bodies slathered with mud and sand, we dunked ourselves into the mythical ocean in which we floated. Yes. Actually floated. With smooth skin, we trekked off to Jerusalem.

After a refreshing bus nap for some, lunch was eaten and finally, we arrived at the hotel. But just any hotel. THIS hotel is the classiest we've been to this whole trip (we saw REAL people here, not just 100 other lucky Shorashim participants). After a dunk in the pool, the hot sauna, bubbling jacuzzi, and a cleansing shower, dinner was served (however, this time, the lack of schniztel and cabbage was really felt). The usual group activities ensued and here we are, on the eve of our last day of our glorious trip, we remember fun memories, crazy experiences, and new friends.

Thank you Shorashim. You done good.