Early Reflections | Shorashim - Israel with Israelis

Early Reflections

“The Golan Heights got me to appreciate the sacrifice and hard work that went into building this country“ - Aaron Baskin

“I realized that I have other brothers from another mother… and country.” - Liran Moalem

“I have become really close with all my Israeli friends, and I love it, because they’re just like us but live such intense lives.” - Julia Klairmont

“Israel is really chill. I have never been surrounded by such authentic Jews before. Back home, I am only 1 of 3.5 Jews at my school, so it is great to see my real roots.” - David Katz

“It’s astonishing how far back people’s roots go here. We met a man who’s family has been in Israel for 4,000 years. And he can prove it!” - Dave Worker

... with many more swirling through the group. We are having a blast and making connections many did not expect to make - to the people and the land.

-548 Staff