Some Pre-Trip Notes | Shorashim - Israel with Israelis

Some Pre-Trip Notes

Hi Everybody,

Hope everyone did well with finals and has their feet up, getting plenty of rest. Be excited, and to help, here are some pre trip notes:

1. Remember to be at the airport 4 hours before our flight! That means get to JFK at 5:50 PM on Saturday, January 2nd. We will meet near the El Al ticket counter.

2. Please have with you $60 in cash for bus driver/security guard's tip. This money will be collected at the airport

3. If family or friends need to reach our group, they can do so by calling Shorashim's 24 hour line: (312) 267-0677. Shorashim will know our location at all times.

4. If you have an emergency and are going to be late to the airport (but please don't be!), please call Scott's cell at 908-591-3333.

That's it for now. Can't wait to see you at the airport!