Pittsburgh | Shorashim - Israel with Israelis


Take less days off from work on this classic trip with other young adults from the Pittsburgh area. Get ready to travel with Israelis for the entire 7-day trip, see all the highlights, & make the most of your Birthright Israel experience!

Leaving From:
NYC Area

Why This is the Shorashim Trip for you

"After college, my main focus was my career...I pushed off my Birthright trip to Israel until it was too late & I missed the cut off which was 26 at the time. Not too long ago, #shorashim reached out to me and let me know they had an entire new age group for 27-32. I thought to myself I’m not letting this opportunity slip this time...[I] decided no matter what happens - I’m going. And after I applied, I felt my entire soul wake up...this was one of the best decisions of my life."

Galina P

Upcoming Dates

This trip is not running in this round, but start your application to get on the list for future trips.