Explore | Shorashim - Israel with Israelis

We wished our luggage safe travels and began our journey to Israel together.

Hello Friends and Family!

This blog is to keep you updated with what the group has been doing around the beautiful country of Israel and will entail details such as sights, sounds and all of the other great events. We have been having so much fun right off the bat that we are a few days behind on the blog, so our social media committee is going to fill you in on what we've been doing up to this point.

One of our group members, along with our staff, created a very meaningful and interactive service for everyone to take part in. One of the best topics we talked about was how Shabbat should be relaxing in however you feel that is. 

When we visited the Western Wall, one of our group members put her mother, who is a Rabbi, on speakerphone to discuss the significance of the Western Wall to the Jews. Each member of our group then took time to experience the Western Wall in their own unique way. We said a prayer and left a note in the wall and then took step back to take in the overall significance of the moment.

After breakfast, we got together and played the speed dating game to get to know each other. It gave us time to meet each and get to know each person on the trip more individually. During our break before lunch, we all hung out, throwing around a frisbee or football, listening to music and playing with the dogs that were around the kibbutz. Many of us walked around exploring the kibbutz together. Some of us found a small garden with fresh fruit and an avocado tree. We also found a free outdoor gym. It was very cool to explore.