Family | Shorashim - Israel with Israelis

We were then presented with the most delicious dinner a Mediterranean-loving vegetation could desire. After dinner, I was in 'The Secret of Herbs and their Uses' workshop and the most kind-hearted, adorable man shared his expertise on growing herbs and the distinct benefit that each herb can have on a human's health.

I cannot thank my group enough for making me feel so comfortable and supported during such a challenging time as this hike up Masada.  Hikes such as these are rough, but it's the end goal that makes it all worth it.

I am grateful for Israel. I am grateful for being Jewish. And I am soon going to be grateful for the empty wallet I have back in Boston due to the beautiful experience it has been and all of the souvenirs and food I bought while experiencing this amazing trip. 

As we brush away our nerves and butterflies for this new and exciting experience, we are welcomed to Israel and welcome our new found family (which also includes our seven Israelis we met at the airport!) with big and open arms.

After the first three days together, Bus 222 feels like one big Mishpachah (family). It turns out that spending 72 straight hours with a group of people brings you all together. Who would have known?