Innovation | Shorashim - Israel with Israelis

The first step onto the ancient lands of our great ancestors marked the official start of this pilgrimage what we will call home for the next 10 days. The faces of old and new friends fill the bustling airport as we are greeted and welcomed by our native family. The welcoming embrace , energy and high spirits act as the most fitting catalyst to this life changing journey we currently navigate through compiling the essence of knowledge, culture, and the true meaning of love amongst the beautiful human beings that make this earth the most unique place to live.

There was a wide spectrum of feelings within the group, and after only three days, it really opened my mind and heart to everyone's story and background. Surprisingly, sharing something so intimate made me very comfortable with these 47 people that I just met, and I continue to get to know them better every day. I feel so blessed to have the opportunity to be on this trip with every wonderful person here, and bond through not only religion, but stories and life experiences. I wouldn't have it any other way!

he most meaningful moment of the day was being able to touch and write a note at the Western Wall, and it was touching to see others showing their emotions and allowing themselves to be vulnerable together.

From their we traveled to Jerusalem Beach (still in Tel Aviv, contrary to its moniker), where we spent an hour and a half wading in the gorgeous, crystal-clear Mediterranean. Then we explored the shuk marketplace for lunch, before boarding the bus and heading for the nation's capital. 

Next, we saw a great music group and got to sing, dance, and make beats together. Everyone was laughing and jumping around while making beats and whatnot. It was so fun.