Prayer | Shorashim - Israel with Israelis

This has was a powerful moment as we have gone our entire lives seeing pictures of the holy city. Now we were finally here.

But, what kind of inspiration should I draw from such an important place as the Western Wall? For me, I was inspired because it is our most powerful connection to the biblical past of Judaism and the original Jewish state. It is a place where everyone can find their own meaning and purpose. 

One of our group members, along with our staff, created a very meaningful and interactive service for everyone to take part in. One of the best topics we talked about was how Shabbat should be relaxing in however you feel that is. 

When we visited the Western Wall, one of our group members put her mother, who is a Rabbi, on speakerphone to discuss the significance of the Western Wall to the Jews. Each member of our group then took time to experience the Western Wall in their own unique way. We said a prayer and left a note in the wall and then took step back to take in the overall significance of the moment.

Overall, my experience at the Western Wall was much more powerful than I had anticipated and I wouldn't change a second of it.