Syrian Border | Shorashim - Israel with Israelis

Our group is filled with enthusiasm to explore and learn. This openness to new adventures has helped us learn and experience so much already, even though the trip has just begun. 

 Our tour guide gave us a summary of the area's history and encouraged us to conduct our own research as well so that we could form our own opinions. We talked a little about the Syrian refugee crisis and learned that Israel has a policy of treating any refugees in need of medical attention.

It serves as a buffer between the chaos of modern-day Syria, and the infinitely less chaotic modern day Israel.

The next stop involved something we can all relate to: Food. This wasn't our standard lunch. Instead we enjoyed delicious Israeli dishes such as falafel and schwarma. For many of us, the was the first time having these classic meals, and there were nothing but smiles when we finished up!

Shalom! Greetings from Shorashim. Today was our first official day of the Birthright Israel Tour and our first stop was a hike in the Golan Heights. The energy on the bus was electric and filled with excitement. When we got off the bus, we were told to find four unfamiliar faces and set an appointment to walk and talk with them at some point durning our hike. Creating unity between the Americans and the Israeli peers is an important aspect of the Birthright Israel trip and allows for thoughts, experiences, and different perspectives to be shared. 

Then we stopped for lunch and a bunch of us got our first Israeli falafel. The falafel here is 100x better than anything I've had in the states. It was also a good chance to talk to the Israelis on the trip and ask them about their life, favorite things to do, and what they like to eat.