Travel | Shorashim - Israel with Israelis

We wished our luggage safe travels and began our journey to Israel together.

How many people can say they celebrated their 22nd birthday hiking in northern Israel and touring Tsfat? I don't think that's what Taylor Swift sings about...

Many of us ate falafel and Schwarma which was very delicious. After lunch, we made our way to a park. There, we learned about many stories of soldiers in combat, as well as enjoyed the gorgeous view that we could only see at this park. On top of a hill, we saw the border of the Mediterranean and Lebanon, which was breathtaking. We got back to the kibbutz to prepare for Shabbat. Our Shabbat service was beautiful, held outside and filled with many memories. Once the service was over, we had our Oneg, which consisted of guitar playing and getting to know each other games. We concluded the day with lounging out in the kibbutz central area. We're excited to rest up on Shabbat and then continue our trip.

As we brush away our nerves and butterflies for this new and exciting experience, we are welcomed to Israel and welcome our new found family (which also includes our seven Israelis we met at the airport!) with big and open arms.

Hiking and seeing the beautiful scenery was my favorite part of today. I can't wait for the beach tomorrow!