Community | Shorashim - Israel with Israelis

We rose to the top and floated on the surface of the Dead Sea; rising to the top is a common theme of the day. 

When Hatikvah flowed triumphantly from the speakers, the emotions were raw and powerful and we rose to our feet as one. Achdout – literally "unity" in Hebrew, but translating to a more powerful sentiment than our word conveys – is a contagion that has infected our whole group. 

Many of us had never ridden a camel before and we were all very excited. We named our camels and took tons of pictures with them. 

We arrived at Mearat Keshet. The way we went through this site was absolutely beautiful.

We had spent 11 days and 10 nights with strangers who had become best friends, in new lands learning so many new things about ourselves and our heritage, and experiencing more than any one of us had ever hoped or dreamed.

I came to realize in that moment that prayer transcends the religious boundaries and that whatever my definition of my Judaism was, that was okay.

It was entrancing and intoxicating, the most hope I had ever witnessed, and in that moment I felt totally connected to all Jews across the world and across time. 

I cannot thank my group enough for making me feel so comfortable and supported during such a challenging time as this hike up Masada.  Hikes such as these are rough, but it's the end goal that makes it all worth it.