Holocaust | Shorashim - Israel with Israelis

We were then presented with the most delicious dinner a Mediterranean-loving vegetation could desire. After dinner, I was in 'The Secret of Herbs and their Uses' workshop and the most kind-hearted, adorable man shared his expertise on growing herbs and the distinct benefit that each herb can have on a human's health.

As I listened to my group members discuss the pride that they felt to be Jews when we survived one of the hardest moments in human existence or the hope they felt as they believed the world could learn from this tragedy I realized that the next day would be more than just anger and sadness.

Bus 109 and I visited Yad Vashem (The Holocaust Museum) as well as David Ben Gurion's tomb (first prime minister of Israel) today. Although this was not my first time at the endlessly powerful Yad Vashem, experiencing it with my newfound best friends (both American and Israeli) weighed me down in a way I never thought was possible.

"Israelis soldiers are required to wear their uniforms whenever they enter Yad Vashem to show respect for the dead. I left Yad Vashem wondering how I can pay my respect to Israeli soldiers."

The possibilities of haggling are endless, and the amount of gifts, trinkets, fruits, vegetables, spices, meats, restaurants, food stands

"Yad Vashem was an experience that leaves you speechless. So many emotions, so much to be grateful for. #NeverForget"