Jewish Identity | Shorashim - Israel with Israelis

Today was a day of connecting. Whether it was connecting with yourself in a yoga session or finally feeling connected to Judaism by taking that next step as a Bar Mitzvah. And why not? We spent the first few days getting to know each other: Shorashim, building the roots that are connected to the growing tree that is this new Shorashim family. This trip can only get better and deeper in the land that connects all of us to our Jewish roots.

The conversations were intriguing and it was eye opening to hear other participants' perspectives.

We all hurried into the stalls of Machane Yehuda as we were given an hour and a half to explore this enormous market looking for lunch, secret Moses gifts, and a snack to share. 

During this discussion, many birthrighters poured out their hearts and discussed very controversial topics. By the end, each one of us felt very emotional.

As the sun set on our first Shabbat, we performed a short Havdalah service and had dinner at our dining hall. We finished up the night by playing a few ice breaker games as a group. It's taken awhile, but I think we're all finally starting to learn everyone's names! We all had a great time on the Kibbutz, but we're all excited to head out on the bus tomorrow morning for some hiking and to see Tzfat.

Overall, Shabbat was a much needed relaxing day for us. We got a chance to connect on a more personal level with one another as well as discuss some very interesting topics. We hope you all had a refreshing Shabbat as well! 

We all felt that it is very important that we continue to identify as Jews. This helps to keep the religion alive and allows us to connect with others. I could go on and on about all of the values, but this post would never end!