Mifgash | Page 2 | Shorashim - Israel with Israelis

We spent the morning of our third day in the city of Tzfat, a mystical area known for the study of Kabballah. We explored the blue-painted alleys and a synagogue while learning about the history that surrounds this city and its people. We perused Tzfat’s many art galleries and shops and even spent time discussing Kabballah and Jewish mysticism with a local artist. It was beautiful and a really wonderful way to begin our third day.

Todah for everything Israel, for being out-of this world beautiful, and for being so welcoming and warm.

I cannot put into the words how amazing this trip has been. I have learned more than I ever imagined learning about this beautiful country.

It was an amazing experience to hear directly from Israelis in the site that this historic event occured.

When Hatikvah flowed triumphantly from the speakers, the emotions were raw and powerful and we rose to our feet as one. Achdout – literally "unity" in Hebrew, but translating to a more powerful sentiment than our word conveys – is a contagion that has infected our whole group. 

Many of us had never ridden a camel before and we were all very excited. We named our camels and took tons of pictures with them.