Visit to Air Force Base | Shorashim - Israel with Israelis

Visit to Air Force Base

Josh Lehrer

I really think today was when our group, #Bus222, began strongly bonding. I think by this time, we know one another--that is, our personalities, what makes “tick,” and who is charismatic as well as goofy (it is obvious at this point that I match this profile). I had the to further my silly demeanor by sharing my word of the day, “kinderlach!” I definitely believe that particularly it may prove to be the most special and unique day. After taking a road trip, we stopped en route to a very awesome opportunity and hopped into the sulfurous hot springs. While not the most pleasant smell, I felt it was not too bad, and it offered a chance to play a game of American football with the Israelis traveling with us.

By far the highlight, our group then made our way to an Israeli Air Force base--that aforementioned “very awesome opportunity.” Noam, one of our Israelis, normally resides there while serving. But after getting an interesting overview of the history of and the current Air Force, we found out that Ben, one of our American group members, has a grandfather who was an Jewish American WWII pilot who helped Israel in their efforts in the War of Independence. 

Thereafter, we took a stroll on the base, seeing a few F-16s. Most powerfully, though, was when Ben re-enacted a picture of his grandfather during the War in the late 1940s, while dressed in full uniform!

From there we proceeded to a fun convention where other Birthright Israel groups. I attended a breakout hour-long session about a new documentary, “Above and Beyond,” which covered Ben’s grandfather and other Jewish American WWII veterans who risked their lives and United States citizenship to fight in the Israeli War of Independence as pilots. Nancy Speilberg, the producer, also spoke after a short screening of certain clips. Saying that it was inspirational and moving be an understatement; it showed that Jews, no matter how religious they were raised, wanted to fight for Israel and establish a sovereign and democratic Jewish state.

I really enjoyed today, and am greatly looking forward to Tel Aviv!