Day One | Shorashim - Israel with Israelis

Day One

So this is my first trip to Israel and everything has been an amazing experience! Things kicked off in Newark where we all met our awesome instructors Josh and Ilana. Things immediately got interesting as I was first in line to go through El Al security. I was called forward for the passport check by the security guard and the combination of her piercing green eyes and intense questioning made me say my wrong birthdate... Ended up making it on the plane.

We landed and met our Iisraeli leader, Karen, who's energy was infectious. From there we travelled through gorgeous scenery to the Golan Heights. After a quick change into our bathing suits, we set off on our adventure trek through the majrase, one of the tributaries to the Aea of Galilee! The water was cool and refreshing!

My favorite part of the trip was when we stopped at the look out point, Ofir. Ilana, Josh, and Karen shared with us the historical and present significance of the site which made the outstanding views even more meaningful.

First day down, great success!

Thanks Shorashim!