Day Two | Shorashim - Israel with Israelis

Day Two

By Michael Myers

We are only at day two and we have already created strong bonds on the trip.  Being able to spend the entire trip with the Israeli soldiers creates the most unique experience through Shorashim. 

Today, we experienced the many aspects of the Golan Heights; the beauty of he Banias Falls, the history of Mount Bental, the firsthand accounts of the Yom Kippur War by Yossi, and rafting down the Jordan River.  The splash fights, the water swings, and the rapid near the end made the Jordan River experience amazing.  Learning and living with the Israelis has given all of us a new appreciation for the Israeli army, a chance to explore cities at lunchtime without any concern, and an opportunity to learn some Hebrew, like "Toda", "Lyla Tov", and "Sulamit."  

We may have been tired by the end of the night, but that doesn't stop us from staying up until 2 or 3 am talking. While we may be tired, we are definitely making the most out of this experience.