Meet Your Staff: Rachel, Sam, and Bar | Shorashim - Israel with Israelis

Meet Your Staff: Rachel, Sam, and Bar

Rachel Kesner

Where are you from originally and where do you live now? I grew up in Deerfield and now live in Evanston.

What do you for a living? Shorashim :)

When did you go to Israel for the first time? 1997, I was 10 years old

What's a fun fact about yourself? Even though I was born and raised in Chicago, I've always been a Greenbay Packers fan. My mom used to do tax returns for Reggie White and I used to spend time with him and his family. Even Bears fans have to admit that Reggie White was an incredible football player and so exciting to watch! 

What's your favorite Israeli food/favorite place in Israel to eat it? Shakshuka!!!!! 

If you could bring one thing back to America from Israel, what would it be? The sense of community - the nature of the people is to care after one another; it's such a beautifuly strange concept.

What's your favorite place to visit in Israel? I love being in the Negev (the desert); it's so beautiful and quiet, not to mention how amazing stargazing can be! 

What's the #1 reason that you recommend that your friends and family should go on Taglit-Birthright Israel with Shorashim? Seeing a new place with the locals is like nothing else!

Anything else you want to share? This summer will be my 10th trip to Israel! 

Sam Harrison

Where are you from originally and where do you live now? Originally from Orlando, FL and now live in Chicago (Gold Coast).

What do you for a living? I work at the Jewish United Fund as a Campaign Associate in the Young Leadership Division.

When did you go to Israel for the first time? May 2007 on Birthright.

What's your favorite place to visit in Israel? Eilat - I'm a beach bum!

What's a random fun fact about yourself? I absolutely love to travel - I've been to 20 countries and a few more than once!

What's your favorite Israeli food/favorite place in Israel to eat it? Aroma iced coffee, shawarma, hummus...the list goes on....

Why is it important to you to have Israelis for all 10 days? Being able to experience Israel with peers on a community trip is a wonderful and once in a lifetime experience. Also, being able to travel alongside Israelis is something you do not want to miss out on!

Bar Galin

How long have you been a guide? Since 1996.

What's your favorite Shorashim memory? I love the memory of the group entered the hall of the terminal. So much excitement and worries makes you realize that it's going to be such a crazy adventure.

What's a fun fact about yourself? l love creating costumes for Purim and each year I make a crazy costume.

What's your favorite site to go to take participants to on Taglit? Tzfat - the city of wind! the Jewish mysticism. It's a very spiritual place, every time i"m there guiding something extraordinary happening.

What's your favorite city in Israel and why?  Jerusalem - love & hate relationship. The most holy city and the most less holy city, in a way that believers treat each other.

What's your favorite thing about Israel? The people here, the combination of so much different cultures together that we know how to celebrate them (especially the food.)

What is your favorite food and favorite place to eat it in Israel? Hummus and Sabich- I think sabich is the best.

Why is it important to you to have Israelis on the trip for all 10 days? Throughout the history, meeting points were always places of Intellectual and social prosperity. Nowadays, Birthright suggests young jews from around the world to meet. I deeply believe that participants from two of the greatest jewish communities are obligated to know each others communities, thoughts,perceptions, and costumes. The meeting immediately lets us learn more about our Jewish identities and about ourselves. A real meeting starts with a 10 day trip, but that is only the beginning...   

If you could say one thing to future participants, what would it be? To come with questions, i think its means you are curious and that you open to an incredible experience and also a meaningful trip.