Our Second Day! | Shorashim - Israel with Israelis

Our Second Day!

We started our day in our gratitude circle and Bill was the first of us to jump in and lead. He put our entire trip in perspective saying that he felt as if he had gained 46 more family members. With that in mind, we took on our day.

It was one thing to hike down a rocky path yesterday, but today we descended Mt. Arbel. It seemed easy enough until we reached the drop off point. Needless to say it took our group almost an hour to navigate our way down the steep incline, gripping the wire rail and handles all the way. Besides the occasional misstep, we all made it down in one piece, but that was only the first half. After a much needed break, a moment to take in the view below us, and a few selfies, we finally descended the winding trail to the bottom. The trail was pretty easy, but the heat was 10x what it was yesterday. We also found a little puppy along the way that was all by its lonesome. Have no fear, we notified the park officials who picked up the pup and took it to safety.

Our next stop was the mystical city of Tzfat. We wound through the allies of the old city; stopping in art galleries and little shops and learning about the historic city. We visited HaAri's synagogue and learned about the great rabbi and his influence. We also visited Avraham in his gallery where he introduced us (or at least me) to the spiritual, mystic, and meditative side to Judaism, Kabbalah. Many of us stayed after to purchase his art work and ask him more questions. Check out his work at : www.kabbalahart.com

This is only our second full day in this amazing country and as Avraham said, it's an amazing gift that we are able to be in this land together.

More to come during our upcoming days!