Day 6: Where were you when...? | Shorashim - Israel with Israelis

Day 6: Where were you when...?

Rachel Truger

What a day! We started off by visiting the site where David Ben Gurion, Israel's founder and first prime minister, declared the Independence of the State of Israel. Here, we learned about the challenges during this time and historic moment.

We then traveled to Rabin Square. This is the site where Israel's former Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin was shot and killed. We asked individuals who were walking by if they remembered where and what they were doing when this historic moment happened. After our discussion, we went to Tel Aviv's largest and busiest Shuk, Shuk ha'Carmel, where we got to explore different vendors selling goods from dried fruits, exotic spices, clothing, and footwear.

We then traveled South towards the Negev Desert where we participated in green agriculture by learning about environmentally friendly and sustainable farming. When finished, we headed to our Kibbutz, Kibbutz Gvulot, for dinner and a relaxing night.